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About PACT

Community Pharmacies Working in Partnership.

Population Health

Multi-disciplinary Teams


Primarycare And Community Together (PACT) is an Innovative Social Enterprise which will support Community Pharmacies in Northern Ireland delivering local health service initiatives in partnership with GP Federations, Health Trusts, Community and Voluntary organisations and Councils


The establishment of Primary Care Multi-disciplinary teams is a key part of the ‘Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together’ vision.  These teams represent an exciting opportunity to deliver a radically different approach to primary care – one based on multi-disciplinary teams embedded around general practice.


Through various Quality Improvement projects we can demonstrate that through PACT, community pharmacy  has developed an elegant solution for GP federations and Trusts to partner and work across boundaries with other community providers.


PACT has developed a population approach for community pharmacy where the assets within the entire network of community pharmacies can be effectively utilised.

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Over the last few years PACT has partnered with various organisations to develop several integrated projects which include community pharmacy. These projects will all deliver a multidisciplinary, integrated, patient centred, population approach to health care. All projects are being evaluated.

Our partners include,

  1. Antrim and Ballymena GP Federation,

  2. Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership,

  3. Northern Trust,

  4. Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre

  5. ABPI,

  6. Northern Area Integrated Care Partnership. 

  7. Ulster University

PACT has developed a "new model of care" for the community pharmacy network which includes a PACT pharmacist representing all the community pharmacies in the locality.


Local health care is changing and a model is developing for Primary Care Teams embedded in General Practice. PACT provides a solution for community pharmacy integration into these teams.

PACT has partnered with the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) to evaluate all the projects being developed. 



New Model of Care

Multidisciplinary Teams


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©2018 by PrimaryCare and Community Together. 

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